Hi, I’m Stella Wilson

When you feel better in your 50’s than you ever have, you want to share that magic!   

I believe in a science-based, yet natural approach to wellness, vitality, and overall happiness! I help you plant your own healthy roots, and map your health journey, and yes, I believe in keeping it simple!

Suffering silently for years, I spent most of my days off bouncing from doctor to doctor. It took peeling away the years of education (what I thought I knew) coupled with learning I could heal, (and yes, so can you). Our bodies are an interconnected hot mess of biochemical activity, but that activity needs simple, natural solutions to thrive. It is not complicated.

Here are the basics:

Pharmacy Doctorate, Graduating class of 2002, University of Florida, Gainesville campus

Owner of Ormond Beach, Central Florida's BeBalanced Natural Weight Loss Centers since 2017

Functional Blood Work Specialist

Wellcoach Certified Health Coach

School of Applied Functional Medicine Enrolled 2022

20+ Years working as a clinical pharmacist in large hospital systems in MO and FL

Mostly, I get it … I struggled for decades.

At the age of 46 I found the help I needed to live my best life, giving me the power (and finally the energy) to say “I know I can help others!”

I knew was healing, getting better day by day, and I know we all have that power, we just have to find the solution and tap into that magic sauce!

Keep reading to learn more about my struggles and why I FELT CALLED TO DO MORE:  more answers, more solutions, more impact…ultimately, how Stella’s Healthy Roots Functional Health Coaching began.  

You can jump right on over to the programs and browse webinars, see my curated offering, or read on, and see if my medical history (it’s a fiasco) resounds with you, saying; yep, yep, yep, I’ve been there.

 Not to be a bore, but I’ve struggled with …

  • Being an overweight child, adolescent, and adult (But of course, you’ll only find pictures from my skinny months, undoubtedly coming off yet another diet!) Can you relate!?!

  • I was in tow with Mom and Grandma’s from a young age attending Weight Watchers and TOPS classes (yes, I could recite and knew it all, but that never translated into living a healthy life)
  • Lifelong insomnia (even as young as early grade school)

  • PCOS

  • Migraines

  • Anemia

  • Chronic Pain 

  • Hypoglycemia (hospitalized twice when blood sugar crashed)

  • Debilitating TMJ pain

  • Painful Cystic Breast

  • Fibroids and the kind of periods that disrupt your life! 

  • Chronic fatigue (surprise, can’t sleep, can’t feel rested!) 

  • And eventually a Fibromyalgia diagnosis

For more than 20 years, I have worked alongside some of the most brilliant minds and met some of the hardest healthcare workers there are. As a contributing member of that team, I showed up every day, ready to do my part, few knew the secret suffering behind my smile.

Knowing Western medicine, having a clinical mindset, and a healing heart I sought help. 

My primary care and specialist prescribed medication after medication, always a new ‘band-aid’, but never a resolution, never a hope of getting better.  Many times, I was made to feel I just wasn’t doing enough or worse, made to feel that I just didn’t want to get better. Leaving Dr.’s offices in tears I was losing hope. I dove into exercise and extreme eating restrictions, undoubtedly overexerting a body crying out for nourishment and love, not punishment (again, sound familiar?).

Many times, I was made to feel I just wasn’t doing enough or worse, made to feel that I just didn’t want to get better.

My struggles began early in life, I say I had a hormone-related issue every decade of my life starting in my teens. But honestly, it started even earlier, I was in the hospital for 12 days when I was 9 years old, and was there on my 9th Birthday (don’t feel too bad, I got to have the most epic slumber party with over 20 screaming 9 years olds when I got out!). Looking back now, that was probably related to a tick-borne illness that was not diagnosed. But even before that I was never a kid with tons of energy, but remember, it’s been a lifelong problem with sleep (and the food I was fed, ya, that was mostly poison, not medicine).

So the decade-by-decade recap: ovarian cyst at 14 yo (they continued to come and go from teens to thirties). Cystic and painful breasts in my twenties, uterine fibroids in my thirties, a hysterectomy, and eventually several diagnoses of fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue in my 40s. I was a walking, talking chemical drug-induced zombie, but I did not know that. I could get up, crawl out of bed, put on a smile (mask), make it to work, do my job, and pay my taxes.

But that was it, seriously, that was it. There was rarely any energy or motivation for excitement, fun, family, or friends. Trust me, for me, and for YOU, that IS NOT ENOUGH!

Have you ever wanted to scream “this isn’t normal” at anyone?

Don’t worry, it starts getting better! At 46 after a failed attempt at balancing my hormones with a functional medicine provider (I experienced weight gain, hair loss, return of painful cystic breast, and less energy) … He claimed to have ‘cured me’ because my lab values were now ‘normal’ … but hey doc, wait a minute, this ain’t ‘normal’. Have you ever wanted to scream “this isn’t normal” at anyone? Nope, just me? Ok well, I wanted to scream, instead, I left in tears and never went back.

Right around that same time, a close friend introduced me to a non-medical, health & weight loss solution (BeBalanced Natural Weight Loss Centers) and my entire life began to change. So much so, that I left the security of my 20-year hospital career and opened centers in Central Florida, creating a team of amazing coaches to change the lives of women suffering like I had been, and how you may be as well.

But as I mentioned in the beginning, I felt called to do more. The teams at my BeBalanced centers have helped over a thousand women since opening in 2017, and will continue to do so!  

But I wanted and was called to DO MORE.

In 2020 to expand on my 20 years of clinical pharmacy knowledge and 3 years with BeBalanced non-medical weight loss solutions, I enrolled with Wellcoaches, a center of coaching excellence that is offered to healthcare professionals. I became a Certified Wellcoach Health and Wellness Coach!

And yet, I felt then and still feel called to DO MORE.

My interest in the intricacies of that root cause led me to enroll in the School of Applied Functional Medicine in 2022. I then sought training to become a Functional Blood Work Specialist

From the foundation of keeping it simple, by being rooted in health,
Stella’s Healthy Roots was created in 2023.
Offering functional health coaching, twenty-one years in the making! 

From the time I graduated many years ago (May 4, 2002 ) from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, I knew I wanted to help others get off of medications. To help individuals reduce the burden of healthcare on their time, and finances. Everyone deserves to live a life of health, love, fulfillment, and happiness. 

I never envisioned my journey would take the twists, turns, and detours that it did, or that my personal struggle would be so debilitating. But I’m happy to be here now, knowing what I know, ready to serve others, who like me, just need that helping hand and a fresh start. 

You don’t have to just go through the motions of life…I see you, I believe you and I know that you deserve the life that is Your Wellness Vision 

Rooted in Health,
Coach Stella Wilson

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